Publié le 30/12/2014 à 10h22 par Grégory
Jane Badler
Filmographie sélective :
"V" (Série - 2011)
"Mission impossible, 20 ans après" (Série - 1989)
"V" (Série - 1984)
Suite à sa participation en guest star dans le court métrage français réalisé par Fabio Soares intitulé "Bitch, Popcorn & Blood", nous avons eu le privilège de poser quelques questions à Jane Badler connue en outre pour avoir interpréter les rôles de Diana dans la série "V" et Shannon Reed dans "Mission impossible, 20 ans après".
Tell us how did you start your acting career ?
I started acting at a very young age mostly in school plays and summer camp. It was a wonderful way of escaping into fantasy worlds and being other people. My first professional acting job was the soap opera One Life To Live. I played a mental patient named Melinda Cramer. It was so exciting and scary. My next acting job was a role in a play called picnic. I was very lucky to be a working actress.
What you like about being an actress ?
I love the ability to explore other lives and other realities without the danger of actually doing it acting is also a craft and an artform. It is endlessly challenging and inspiring.
Tell us briefly about your experience in the "V" series ? An anecdote may be ?
I remember living in LA and being in a soap Opera called The Doctors. I was desperate to do Night time TV. One day I was asked to fly to LA to audition for a new min series called V. I read the script on the way to LA. The role of Diana was only 5 scenes in the first mini series. I auditioned in a hotel room for Kenny Johnson and others. The next morning a note was slipped under my door. "don't leave Town !" The next thing I knew I was being fitted for a face prosthetic and the rest is Sci Fi history !! It was a crazy wonderful ride.
You recently played a role in the short film "Popcorn & Blood Bitch", tell us what convinced you to participate in this project ?
I was collaborated with a very talented singer Junksista .She sent me her music video to look at and I loved it ! She introduced me to Fabio Soares who asked if I would be interested in being in his next short film. He sent me a link to his other work and I was sold. He has a very unique talent. I love the dark humour and attention to detail. It was a great pleasure working on this film and hopefully more to come !
Tell us about your experience during the filming of the short film and about the meeting with the director Fabio Soares ?
The first time I met Fabio was on Skype. I was performing in london. He was very kind and handsome and knew I would love working with him. The film was shot over two days and one day rehearsal. It was very quick and yet we all accomplished so much. The set was incredible and everyone was very prepared so it all went very smoothly.
Which director would you like to work ? And why ?
I would love to work with the Spanish director Pedro Almodovar ,DavidLynch and Stephen Frears. I am. Huge fan of these directors films. The Grifters, dangerous liaisons, Mohalland Drive, Tie me up Tie me down and women on the verge of a Nervous Breakdown are all incredible films.
If we gave you the opportunity to play the role of your choice (movie or series), which it would be and why ?
I would love to be in Mad men as a past flame of Roger or in Game of Thrones as a mad queen or revengeful lover.
What are your future projects ?
I have just released my new album Opus so looking forward to some performances in the US. Also very excited about recording a duet with the incredibly talented Spanish singer JuanCamus. Please look out for release of Spanish Comedy DeChica de Chica I shot last year. I will be doing another music video with Jesse Davey and lots of adventures ahead. 2015 is definitely a year of transformation.
What would you like to leave as a message to all your fans ?
I want to thank all my fans for their love and support of all my creative ventures. Hope you will all check out my music video losing you and follow me on twitter for all the latest news.
Nous remercions Jane d'avoir pris le temps de réaliser cette interview.

Compte twitter de Jane Badler :

Teaser de "Bitch, Popcorn & Blood" :

Fanpage du réalisateur Fabio Soares :

Site officiel de Fabio Soares :

Traduit de l'anglais par Greg.